home compostable packaging as gold standard

"Leave only tracks"

The picture above is from my expedition into Antarctica. A visit to Antarctica leaves one humble and in awe. That's where we get our motivation from.

We are determined to tackle the issue of single-use plastics in the field of medication packaging. 

Using new materials, thinking outside the box while minimizing the environmental impact - we are aware that it is a big challenge. However, someone has to start somewhere.

Our first project - which has been successfully commercialized - was the devlopment of plastic-free weekly blister packs made from renewable resources thus home compostable after use. Done ✔️

Next we are moving to compostable blister pouches. We are in the beta testing phase.

From there we will tackle counting vials.

The problem - a few numbers

  • in Germany alone there were 1.486.000.000 original boxes with PVC/aluminium blisters of medication in 2023 [1]
  • In the US there were 6.700.000.000 prescriptions in 2022 
  • millions of patients receive blister pouches - one patient receives an average 2-3m plastic film/week
  • In Canada there are 160 million counting vials per year made from plastic

solution? new materials!

We are looking into new materials that are made from renewable resources and are home compostable after use thus avoiding more micro plastics being emitted.